
Logging Weather Hazards

As Summer transitions to Fall, loggers in Washington State experience new challenges in this season. The second-highest number of logging injuries and fatalities occur from September to November due to the weather shifts that cause increased hazards for slips and falls from uneven terrain and rain. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration outlines weather risks and hazards that can contribute to a logger’s safety on the job. 

Risks in the Heat 

When loggers work out in the heat, they are at risk for a variety of heat-related illnesses, dehydration, and can even experience a decrease in cognitive function. One of the most common logging injuries and fatalities occurs from logging equipment and flying debris. Employers can support their workers by giving them adequate rest breaks when working in hot weather and making sure that they are not overheating. 

Risks in the Rain

Especially in the Pacific Northwest, loggers are at risk of slips and falls on uneven terrain when it rains. Even with proper steel-toed boots, accidents can still occur. Loggers and their employers must be extra aware of the soil and ground changes when a large rainfall occurs in the vicinity of their logging job to prevent potential injuries. 

Risks in the Snow

Logging in snowy conditions can pose similar hazards to loggers as working in the rain does. Snow contributes to uneven terrain, resulting in an increase in slips and falls. 

Contact an Experience Logging Accident Lawyer Today 

While employers cannot control the weather, they are able to provide their workers with the proper gear, equipment, and trainings to better equip loggers with a sense of safety on the job. If you have been injured on the job, it is important that you contact an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as you can. 

If you have suffered an injury in a logging accident in Washington State and have questions about how best to proceed to ensure fair compensation, please give one of our attorneys a call to discuss the facts of your case at 800-273-5005 or fill out our contact form here.

If you have been involved in an accident, please call or email our attorneys for a free consultation