
Personal Injury Alert: Right Turns on Red Would Be Limited in WA Under Bill

The Seattle Times reported today on proposed House Bill 1582 which would ban right turns on red within 1,000 feet of areas with a high number of what it describes as vulnerable people walking: schools, libraries, senior centers, parks, hospitals, public transit hubs or anywhere else deemed necessary by local jurisdictions.  The bill would also give cities and towns the choice of banning rights on red.

In 2022, Washington State recorded the highest number of traffic fatalities in over 30 years. This is causing concern with the legislature which is currently addressing traffic safety issues with a number of bills in process including lowering the blood-alcohol limit and more equity in the transportation system.

Jim Gooding, GLP Attorneys Shareholder and Senior Trial Counsel had this to say, “This proposed law may slow down traffic, but will save pedestrians’ lives. Given the ever-increasing number of people hit by cars, this is an important step to making Seattle a safer city for everyone.”

An automobile collision occurs approximately every 10 seconds somewhere in the United States, so it is no surprise that automobile accidents give rise to many of the personal injury law claims we see in Washington State and the Pacific Northwest.  GLP Attorneys offers high quality legal and trial services for victims of serious automobile collisions. 

In all traffic-related injury cases, it is essential that measures be taken immediately to preserve evidence, investigate any facts in question, and enable physicians or other experts to thoroughly evaluate any injuries promptly. Personal injury cases resulting from automobile accident injuries can be complex, and it is important that injured persons understand the variety of different liability and insurance coverage issues that may apply to their cases. If you think that someone was at fault in causing a collision that you, a family member, or a friend was involved in, you should have the facts of your claim reviewed by a lawyer as soon as possible. If you have been involved in a car accident, please call 206.448.1992 or email our attorneys at

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If you have been involved in an accident, please call or email our attorneys for a free consultation