Insurance Bad Faith

Insurance Bad Faith, Automobile Collision, Workplace Injury
By Scott Shawver  |  Partner  |  Seattle Office Purchasing insurance is necessary, and often mandatory. Insurance acts as a protection for you, your family, and your property...
Success Stories, Insurance Bad Faith
Policy limits settlement after a GLP client’s insurance agent misrepresented the amount of coverage and tried to settle the case for $8,000. Janelle took over...
Success Stories, Insurance Bad Faith
$1 million policy limits settlement for the wrongful death of a 38 year old man who had a wife and seven children. For five years,...
Insurance Bad Faith
According to Vox, systemic racism is a real issue in America. In an article that goes quite in-depth, they cover how Black people have less confidence...
Insurance Bad Faith
Many businesses have been affected in unimaginable ways because of the COVID-19 pandemic. With forced closures to protect communities, many places have had to lay...
Insurance Bad Faith
It has been widely reported this week that two major automobile insurance carriers, Allstate and American Family, are voluntarily issuing insurance premium refunds to customers...
Insurance Bad Faith
On May 23, 2019, Washington State’s Supreme Court released its decision in Diaz Barriga Figueroa v. Prieto Mariscal, a case dealing with whether work product...
Insurance Bad Faith
When you buy insurance, you do it for the protection and security of yourself, your family, and your property.  An insurance contract is the insurance...
Insurance Bad Faith
GLP Attorneys represented a victim of an automobile collision in a case that was taken up on appeal to the Washington Court of Appeals in...
Insurance Bad Faith
What is Insurance Bad Faith? When you buy insurance, you do it for the protection and security of yourself, your family, and your property. You...