Who Qualifies as a Seamen?
Seamen, as wards of Admiralty courts, are afforded special protection from the hazards of life at sea as a matter of public policy. The Jones Act defines a seaman as every person who is employed or engaged to serve on board a vessel.
What legal Remedies can an Injured Seaman Seek?
Whenever a seaman gets injured while on board a ship, there are three kinds of legal remedies to which he or she can take recourse:
- Maintenance. If a seaman becomes sick or injured in service of a vessel, he can file an action for maintenance and cure wherein a seaman seeks wages plus reimbursement for medicine, treatment, and other expenses relating to injury.
- Unseaworthiness. A seaman can bring an unseaworthiness action for injuries that resulted from ship owner’s breach of duty to provide a seaworthy vessel. A seaman is entitled to damages for injuries they have suffered due to the unseaworthiness of the ship.
- The Jones Act. A seaman can file a negligence action under the Jones Act. The Jones Act provides a seaman with the opportunity to seek damages for any and all claims of negligence.
What should I do if I've Been Injured at Sea?
If injured at sea or on the water, contact GLP Attorneys for a free lawyer consultation. If you have a maritime or boating injury case, please call 800.273.5005, or email our attorneys at to schedule your free consultation with an attorney.