Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs)

Even with modern advancements in medicine and technology, the brain is an extremely complex organ that is still not well-understood. Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and concussions are difficult for experts to diagnose and treat — and can be even more difficult for the average juror to understand. A personal injury case involving a brain injury requires an attorney who has special knowledge, expertise, and experience. Furthermore, you need a legal team who can effectively tell your story of how your life has changed due to your brain injury.

If you or a loved one has suffered a concussion or a traumatic brain injury, it is likely that your life has become more difficult as a result. Brain injuries are a type of catastrophic injury that can have serious and permanent consequences for both the injured party and their entire support network.

If you have suffered a concussion or traumatic brain injury and are seeking legal representation, please call or email our attorneys for a free consultation.

Anatomy of a Traumatic Brain Injury or Concussion

There are many types of traumatic brain injuries, including closed head injuries (in which the brain is not penetrated), open head injuries (in which the brain is penetrated by a foreign object), and brain bleeds or hematomas. Some injuries can cause a short-term loss of consciousness, a long-term loss of consciousness such as a coma, or may involve no loss of consciousness at all.

A “concussion” is one of the most common subtypes of traumatic brain injury. The usual mechanism of injury resulting in a concussion occurs when the head is thrown back and forth, and the brain also moves back and forth within the skull (also called a ‘coup contrecoup’ injury). This violent movement within the hard confines of the skull can cause serious injury to both points of impact on the brain. It should be noted that a person’s head does not need to physically strike anything for a serious brain injury to occur.

Signs of concussion from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention can be read here.

We Can Help with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Law Cases

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury caused by the negligence of a third party, you should not have to face the recovery process alone. At GLP Attorneys, we have extensive experience dealing with brain injury cases and the many complex facets of these cases. We have developed relationships with leading experts in the fields most critical to brain injury recovery (neurosurgeons, vocational experts, investigators, economists, etc.) and we understand how to work with these experts to maximize your recovery.

Finding the right legal team is critical because the effects of a traumatic brain injury can last a lifetime. At GLP Attorneys, we are familiar with new developments in the brain injury field, such as “double impact” syndrome and the investigation and documentation of potential pituitary gland damage. Our legal teams work directly with psychologists and neurologists specializing in treating and documenting brain injuries. We bring our collective experience and past successes to every traumatic brain injury case within the firm.

If you or a loved one has sustained a traumatic brain injury, call one of our specializing attorneys for a free legal consultation to discuss how GLP Attorneys can assist.

A series of MRI scans displaying the different areas of the brain.

The effects of a traumatic brain injury or mild traumatic brain injury (TBI or mTBI) can be devastating for a patient and their family. Brain injuries can affect a person’s cognition, including issues with short-term memory, concentration, organization, and communication. Some brain injuries can also cause marked changes in mood and personality, including increased agitation, anxiety, and depression. Many victims of brain injuries may also suffer from debilitating sensory sensitivities, such as newfound aversions to light, sound, and other stimuli.

People who suffer a traumatic brain injury often report that every part of their life is changed due to the injury, from their careers to their hobbies outside the home.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, there are over 1.7 million people who suffer from traumatic brain injuries each year. Of these, 275,000 people are hospitalized and 52,000 die. Selected facts about traumatic brain injuries can be read here. Washington State has made strides in recognizing the seriousness of traumatic brain injuries. In 2007, the State legislature created the Washington Traumatic Brain Injury Council. The council aims to bring together experts and resources from both the public and private sectors, and to provide support to victims of traumatic brain injuries.

$10 Million

$10,000,000 resolution for a client who suffered a traumatic brain injury.

$1.1 Million

$1.1 million recovery for a woman who was in a car collision in Colorado, suffering a traumatic brain injury.


$275,000 settlement for a client who was injured in a low property damage collision and suffered a mild traumatic brain injury. 


$626,000 for an individual who suffered a traumatic brain injury in a rear end collision that forced her into early retirement.

$2 Million

$2 million for a client with a serious brain injury caused by falling down stairs.

$1.1 Million

$1.1 million for a construction worker struck by a concrete pump hose, sustaining a permanent head injury.


$132,500 for a man whose work was negatively impacted by severe migraines, concussion, and neck pain following a rear-end collision


$350,000 settlement for a woman who slipped and fell on a city sidewalk that the city and adjacent property owners had failed to repair.

$1 Million

$1 million policy limits settlement for a gentleman who was rear ended and sustained a traumatic brain injury. 


$275,000 for a 23-year-old student who was involved in a side-swipe collision that resulted in a concussion, traumatic brain injury, and whiplash injuries.


$200,000 for a client with a brain injury causing serious attention and concentration issues.


$300,000 for the victim of a bar assault who sustained a concussion


$750,000 for the victim of a trucking collision who sustained a traumatic brain injury. 

$1.1 Million

$1.1 million settlement for a client who suffered a traumatic brain injury, as well as sprain/strain injuries, and was unable to work after a forceful collision.

$1 Million

$1 million settlement for a construction worker injured during his first day on the job when a large truss beam fell on him.

If you have suffered a concussion or traumatic brain injury and are seeking legal representation, please call or email our attorneys for a free consultation

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