Understanding Trucking Injury Claims
Claims against a truck driver and the trucking company involve a variety of rules and regulations at the state and federal level that have been put in place to ensure safety and hold drivers accountable when they are negligent. This can be complicated by multiple layers of insurance and various insurance carriers.
Some of the laws that govern the use of trucks on our roadways are different than those that apply to the use of cars. Therefore, it is important that you hire an attorney who is familiar with these laws and understands the nuances of handling a truck accident case versus a car accident case. GLP Attorneys has a practice group dedicated solely to making sure that its attorneys are well-versed in the laws that govern truck operators and their owners.
Contact an Experienced Trucking Injury Attorney
GLP Attorneys' truck accident injury attorneys have resolved a considerable number of trucking accident injury cases since our firm's founding in 1986. If you have been involved in a trucking accident, call 800.273.5005 or email our attorneys at to schedule a free lawyer consultation.