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Workplace Injuries

In Washington state, it is generally not possible to bring a claim against your employer for injuries caused by negligence. This stems from a rule established in 1911 which bars employees from making direct claims against their employers. This rule prevents employees from bringing a claim for pain and suffering and emotional distress against their employer. Instead, employees are generally able to receive medical care, wage payments, and potential additional compensation through the Department of Labor & Industries in Washington, also known “worker's comp” or “L&I.” 
If you have been involved in a workplace injury, please call or email our attorneys for a free consultation
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Understanding workplace injury claims

A workplace incident or injury may involve other parties outside of your employer. In such cases, a viable claim may be made against that party (or parties). For example, if you are injured by a forklift while at work, you may have a claim against the manufacturer of the forklift. Similarly, if you suffer harm at work due to poor maintenance of the premises (such as a puddle of liquid being left on the ground), you may have a claim against the company that was hired to perform maintenance and cleaning for your employer or the owner of the premises.

Other times, it is not always clear whether the at-fault party is considered your employer under Washington law -- and this question must be explored by experienced legal counsel. It has been established that if you are a temporary laborer who is “loaned out" to another employer, you may bring a claim against the host employer. This is because you are not considered a true employee of the host employer. In other cases, if you are working for a subcontractor on a construction site and the negligence can be attributed to the general contractor of that site, you may have a claim against that general contractor because that entity is not technically considered your employer in Washington.

Sorting through these many complicated issues can be confusing and frustrating when trying to get medical care and recover from an injury or incident. Here at GLP Attorneys, we are happy to help you navigate these complexities.  

If you or a loved one has been injured while at work, call us at 800.273.5005 or email our attorneys at attorneys@glpattorneys.com to schedule a free lawyer consultation. For more specific information about construction site related injuries, visit our construction injuries page here.

If you have been involved in a workplace injury, please call or email our attorneys for a free consultation

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