Understanding wrongful death claims
Although wrongful death cases may share some of the the same circumstances as cases in other areas of personal injury practice (such as automobile collisions or defective products), they are quite distinct from other kinds of cases for a number of reasons. The rules regarding what harms are compensable are different and more stringent than in a typical injury case. Wrongful death claims require a thorough analysis and understanding as to who can bring a claim and on whose behalf claims can be made.
The experienced staff at GLP Attorneys understands the legal complexities involved in bringing a wrongful death claim, from the first steps of filing probate and appointing a personal representative to the later stages of calculating damages for future loss of earnings and loss of consortium and companionship. We will preserve your right to seek damages against the responsible individuals or companies that caused the loss of your loved one.
Our experience, dedication, and compassion for our clients is well-known in Washington, as is our record of successfully handling wrongful death claims for many people throughout the state. Contact us if you need a compassionate team to help you navigate this difficult time.
If you believe that you have a wrongful death case, call 800.273.5005 or email our attorneys at to schedule a free lawyer consultation.