The recent loss of whole neighborhoods to wildfires in Northern California should be a wake-up call to all of us that are proud to call the Pacific Northwest home. Do you know if your homeownersor renters insurance would cover you in the event of a natural disaster? We live in an area that is at risk for earthquakes, and many parts of the region face seasonal wildfire and flood risk. If you have not reviewed your insurance coverage in some time, you should take the time to read your policy and visit an insurance agent to update your coverage. Separate earthquake insurance policies are available from many insurance carriers, and you can get more information from the
Washington State Insurance Commissioner’s Earthquake Insurance page. Flooding is not covered by most insurance policies, and more information on purchasing separate flood coverage is available from
FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Information page.
The New York Times covered the insurance challenges faced by people who lost homes in the Northern California wildfires, and reading
this article should inspire you to review your insurance coverage for your home.