Winter introduces a unique set of challenges for construction workers, making it crucial to take the necessary precautions to safeguard your safety and health. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)  recommends the following winter safety tips for construction workers:

1. Know the Symptoms of Cold Stress

Cold stress can lead to hypothermia or frostbite. Symptoms include shivering, confusion, and numbness. Be aware of these signs and seek warmth immediately.

2. Monitor Your Condition and Your Coworkers

Watch for signs of cold stress in yourself and others, like fatigue or poor coordination. If someone shows symptoms, encourage them to take a break and warm up.

3. Dress for the Cold

Layer your clothing, starting with moisture-wicking fabrics, followed by insulation and a waterproof outer layer. Don’t forget warm gloves, hats, and boots.

4. Stay Dry

Wet clothes increase heat loss. Make sure to change out of wet clothes promptly, and keep extra clothing on hand in case you get soaked.

5. Drink Warm, Sweetened Fluids

Stay hydrated with warm drinks like tea or hot chocolate. Avoid alcohol, as it can increase heat loss and impair judgment.

7. Use PPE and Follow Safe Work Practices

Employers should provide necessary PPE, such as insulated gloves and boots, and set up sheltered work areas. Workers should take breaks, rotate tasks, and minimize exposure to extreme cold.

By following these tips, you can stay safe and comfortable throughout the winter. 

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GLP Attorneys has decades of experience supporting those who have been injured on construction sites. Our team of over 39 lawyers are located across the Pacific Northwest and are available to help ensure that you receive the justice that you deserve as you recover.

If you or a loved one has been injured while working on a construction site, call practice leader Cydney Campbell Webster at 800.273.5005 for a free consultation.